School Boards & Schools

Individual teachers have told us that they want a resource that quickly gets to the heart of the matter and supports them, as individuals, to create change with their students and classrooms. And they don't have time to learn about what's not relevant to them - they want choice and support where they really need it.

Schools and boards have told us that they are tired of 'one-off' inspirational professional development days. They want to shift the culture in their learning communities and have the entire team come together to adopt an emotional health approach that creates lasting change.
Site Licenses & Group Viewing Details


From stuck to unstuck: creating the conditions for change

Session 1: Learning to read what’s needed for change


When we can find the conditions that work for a child, they have the opportunity to thrive. A child’s behaviour may tell us that something is not right—and this behaviour is a little window into the child’s internal world. It helps us see when something is not working (or is!) for a child. When working with a difficult child or youth, how do we know what to do? In order to create the conditions for change, we must understand where change comes from. This session will lay the groundwork for the developmental lens that provides insight into how true change happens from the inside out. This paradigm shift can be a game-changer.
Session 2: Creating an environment of emotional safety


Emotional safety is not only the foundation of all learning, it is the foundation of inclusive programs. When we are able to create the conditions for children to feel safe not only will their receptiveness to learning and discovery grow, but their openness to one another will as well. Enveloped in safety, children can begin to discover both themselves and the ‘other’.
Session 3: Becoming the leader our students need


Relationship is an integral part of creating the emotional safety kids need to learn and grow. Relationship is a big buzzword when it comes to leading and guiding kids – but what type of relationship is it that our children and youth need from us in order to feel safe? And how is it that we can create this relationship with them? Join us to discover how to develop and protect these relationships, even with the most challenging ones.

Understanding what’s behind the behavior & how to help

Session 4: Not safe to feel: unpacking the role of emotion and defense


Our culture often frames behavioural problems as disciplinary issues that must be “fixed,” rather than understanding them as an indication that a child has an emotional need that needs to be filled. As humans, we are emotional beings … but what is the purpose of emotion? And what happens when we lose access to our feelings? As leaders of children and youth, when we understand the link between emotion and behaviour, we can better respond. This session sets the stage for unpacking the common challenges we often experience when working with kids.
Session 5: Aggression: what’s behind the behavior & how to help


A child’s behaviour tells us something about their inner world. Drawing on the developmental insights of Dr. Gordon Neufeld, we will explore some of what is behind the challenging behaviours that we see in the children and youth we work with. What’s the emotion behind aggression? What can we do to address aggression at its root instead of getting caught up in the cycle of managing symptoms and therefore only addressing the behaviour? This session will explore the emotion behind aggression as well as look to ways we can reduce outbursts in our programs.
Session 6: Anxiety: what’s behind the behavior & how to help


Humans have a built-in survival kit, which is meant to respond to perceived threats and keep us safe. Generally speaking, this response serves us quite well, especially when the threat is obvious and occasional. When our alarm system is working as it should it can be incredibly helpful to keep us safe, but what happens when the threat does not go away? Children are often entering our programs in survival mode and bringing with them the behaviours that make it challenging for us to take the lead and build relationships with them. This session will explore the roots of anxiety and offer practical suggestions for how we can support children and youth to find emotional rest.
Session 7: Attention problems: what’s behind the behavior & how to help


Attention problems are on the rise. From a child whose head appears to be in the clouds to kids who constantly disrupt others and activities. Where does this inability to focus come from? Why do some children lack impulse control? And what can we do to engage these children? This session will explore the roots of attention problems and examine developmental strategies for change.
Session 8: Resistant or bossy: what’s behind the behavior & how to help


This session will explore two common dynamics that can make leading kids challenging. We will examine the emotion behind bossy behaviour and how we can help to alleviate the weight these children carry. We will also explore what lies behind resistance. What is the role of counterwill and how does an understanding of this dynamic help us to shift the resistance? This session will shed light on the developmental science behind these behaviours and offer practical suggestions we can use in our programs.
Session 9: Shut down or bully behaviour: what’s behind the behavior & how to help


It’s really hard to engage a child in activities and learning when they don’t seem to care about anything. It can be even harder when kids are bullying each other. Common to both of these challenges is a lack of caring. What can we do to bring back these caring feelings? Understanding where this defense comes from can help us to come alongside the most troubled kids we work with, and in the process, to create emotional safety for the entire group/community.

Towards thriving kids and communities

Session 10: Shifting the negative identity of a child or a group


Children and youth can get stuck in roles that prevent them from thriving. This is especially true for the kids who are the most emotionally blocked and are labeled as ‘problem kids’ due to their behavioural challenges. How children see themselves has a huge impact on who they are and who they will grow to be. This session will shed light on the various ways that we can help children and youth to experience themselves differently so that their identity can expand, as well as exploring practical strategies to create a positive collective identity as a group.
Session 11: Waking up: Restoring and awakening caring feelings


There is a new awareness dawning in understanding the profound effect that the arts can have on the emotional health and well-being of our students and communities. From the very beginning of time—adults and children alike have been expressing themselves through the arts. We have a deep need to express what is inside of us so that we may become known and make visible our inner worlds. Through this expression, we can come to experience our humanity together. This session will shed light on how we can use the arts as extraordinary tools to unite children and youth in their shared humanity and build more inclusive programs and communities – from the inside out.
Session 12: Creating a village


Empathic, inclusive, and more caring learning communities are within our reach. But we cannot do this alone. We need to bring back the village. How can we intentionally harness the power of attachment to grow a child’s community? What practices can we introduce that can expand our own network of support? We will examine Neufeld’s attachment rituals of collecting, bridging and matchmaking and explore strategies that can build community and transform our school cultures.
Site Licenses & Group Viewing Details

We have two options for you

2 Year Site License

What are the benefits of having a site license?

Your schools will have support for your staff that is accessible, approachable and science-based. They will have content that will not only provide them with new insights, but with practical tools that they can use daily in their programs. But it’s never just about content – teachers want training that is delivered meaningfully – in ways that invite them into the change process.

And so we created just that.

Our series is informative, yet conversational. It provides insights into behaviour and where change comes from but also offers practical tools and suggestions so that participants can immediately bring their learning to life with the kids they work with.

Multiple ways to use this site-license:

Teachers can access the videos at their own pace and at the time that works best for them. And although this is a 12 part series, each video works as a stand alone. Participants can skip ahead to topics of interest and watch the material again as needed. And they never have to worry about getting lost as the resource includes a tracking feature that lets teachers know where they are each time they log in. They can even share insights and supportive comments with one another in the 'discussion' section.

Participants can watch the videos in groups - as often as they wish! This can be especially helpful for team meetings and professional development days. Your team can select topics to view together and engage in discussion following the videos.

Teachers, educational assistants, school administrators and counselors will have a social-emotional digital resource on hand for whenever they are stuck with a specific dynamic or class. They will have easy access to on-going support that can help them to understand what is going on with the specific challenging behaviors they experience in the classroom, how they can build relationship with their toughest students, how to help kids who are stuck seeing themselves as 'bad', and how to build the thriving learning community of their dreams. 
Group Viewings

What are the benefits of group viewings?

Educators, parent groups, counsellors and principals sometimes just want to know more about one topic or they are looking for a few sessions to explore a broader theme to share with their colleagues or peers.

Group viewings allows your participants to watch the video(s) in groups - at the date and time you wish! This can be especially helpful for team meetings, parent nights and professional development days. Your team can select a topic (or multiple topics) to view together and engage in discussion following the videos.

How does it work?

• Choose your topic(s)

• Group viewing price is calculated based on group size.  Starting at $297.99 + tax (CAD) per session.

• A link to the session(s) will be provided to you for a one time viewing*.  

• On the day of your event/meeting, enter the password and click play. It's as easy as that!  

Note: Group viewings are only available until the password expires. Expiry date will be determined based on the date of your viewing.

What happens if our viewing date is postponed?

If for some reason your viewing date changes, just email us and we'll be more than happy to extend your expiry date.

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